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ILI9163c china 1,44" 128 x 128 component

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:56 pm
by solozerouno
il componente in libreria usa si il driver giusto ma con display ILI9163 ADAFRUIT probabilmente; ma ne esiete uno molto usato da aliexpress e da ebay made in china con driver ILI9163 ma 1,44"
128 x 128 che ha come secondo driver ST 7735 se potete modificare l' ILI9163 x la giusta grafica a 128 x 128..... o creare un nuovo componente display ST7735 spi che supporti questo display che visto il basso costo è più venduto della versione 160 x 128 della ADAFRUIT... Alla fine il driver è lo stesso ma va pilotato in modo da ingannare sulla grafica il 160 x 128 con una complessità enorme in calcoli di pixel....

Re: ILI9163c china 1,44" 128 x 128 component

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:22 pm
by solozerouno
the component in the library uses the right driver but with ILI9163 ADAFRUIT display probably; but you can see one used by aliexpress and ebay made in china with ILI9163 drivers but 1,44"
128 x 128 which has as second driver ST 7735 if you can change the ILI9163 x the right graphics to 128 x 128.... or create a new ST7735 spi display component that supports this display which given the low cost is more sold than the 160 x 128 version of ADAFRUIT... In the end the driver is the same but must be driven in order to fool the graphics 160 x 128 with a huge complexity in pixel calculations....
thank you.
only one

Re: ILI9163c china 1,44" 128 x 128 component

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:54 pm
by BenR

Thanks I'll make the pixel dimensions editable for you in the component and hopefully that will help. I've also added offset properties if the 0,0 coordinate of the display is not at 0,0 of the display IC RAM as is often the case with reduced size displays.