ZIF socket for E-blocks2 device Programmer boards ?

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ZIF socket for E-blocks2 device Programmer boards ?

Post by DeeJayOne »

Hi everyone ! :)

I'm asking if E-blocks2 Programmer boards have a embedded ZIF socket or not.
It seems that my eyes don't see it on the pictures, so I have tried to find it in the "accessories section" but without any success.

I have finally found this item : EB072 - ZIF socket programmer adaptor
https://www.matrixtsl.com/webshop/zif-s ... aptor.html
That's great ! this is exactly that I would like to find.

But there is a little problem, this item is a discontinued product
It seems that it was maybe for E-blocks1 products.

So I'm always asking if there is a way to add a ZIF socket for E-blocks2 PIC Programmer boards ?
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Re: ZIF socket for E-blocks2 device Programmer boards ?

Post by medelec35 »

DeeJayOne wrote:I'm asking if E-blocks2 Programmer boards have a embedded ZIF socket or not.
No it does not, it just has Dip sockets.
Is there a specific reason e.g only for programming multiple chips or to use with other E-blocks2 to plug in to the ports of the multiprogrammer?

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Re: ZIF socket for E-blocks2 device Programmer boards ?

Post by DeeJayOne »

medelec35 wrote:
DeeJayOne wrote:I'm asking if E-blocks2 Programmer boards have a embedded ZIF socket or not.
No it does not, it just has Dip sockets.
Is there a specific reason e.g only for programming multiple chips or to use with other E-blocks2 to plug in to the ports of the multiprogrammer?
In my case, it would be for programming multiple chips.
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Re: ZIF socket for E-blocks2 device Programmer boards ?

Post by medelec35 »

The only way I can think of is uses something like PIC-Programmer-Universal-Adapter-board-ZIF-socket Not purchased one, so can't recomend seller.
Use dupont male to female wires to connect from one if the DIP sockets on programming board to the ZIF socket.
Note: While using the zif socket you won't be able use if to communicate with the programmers ports.

The alternative is just to see if a ZIF will fit in the DIP socket, perhaps someone with both will be able to answer?

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