PWM Deadband

Moderator: Benj

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PWM Deadband

Post by alanwms »

I have a design to drive 4 output transistors configured in an "H" bridge arrangement. Switching these transistors is not trivial since turning ON the transistors needs to be delayed to allow the other transistors to turn off fully. This prevents short duration current pulses that can damage the transistors.
The PIC chip PWM [pic18f4525], I believe, has a variable that can take care of this but I don't see any reference to it for FC5.

Can you give me feedback on this subject? - I have resolved the switching delays using hardware but would like to know if there are plans for the crossover switch deadband if FC?


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Re: PWM Deadband

Post by Benj »


I'm afraid there are no plans for this at the moment. It's something I have recently looked into for v6 but unfortunately I haven't found a clean way of realising this as a component yet.

Might be easy enough to use a C icon to control the peripheral on your specific device.

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