pic18f4455 [4550] USB no go

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pic18f4455 [4550] USB no go

Post by alanwms »

Been looking around the forum and it seems that USB initialize creates a lockup - I have the same issue. Was there a fix for this? I'm using FC5. When I diable the USB init component, the program runs fine.


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Re: pic18f4455 [4550] USB no go

Post by Benj »


The USB initialise will wait until the PC sees the USB device and installs drivers for it. So either you have not installed the USB driver or the device is running at a incompatible speed for USB which means you should get an unrecognised device.

Please can you check your device manager and post your Flowcode project as well as your oscillator specifics so we can get your project setup correctly.

USB is known to work well in v5 and v6 and only recently has had problems in v7 which we have now tackled. So we should be able to get you up and running.

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Re: pic18f4455 [4550] USB no go

Post by alanwms »

Thanks Ben -

Most likely, I have driver install issues - I did right click on the generated driver to install it. After some messing around turning off signature validation, I succeeded the install. However, when I plug in the USB cable, I don;t get any action in the control panel section showing USB devices.

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Re: pic18f4455 [4550] USB no go

Post by alanwms »

I'm running the osc at 8mhz internal - I know the frequency is correct, because my LED can flash at the interval I expect for a known delay. Do I have to do something special when using the internal osc?

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Re: pic18f4455 [4550] USB no go

Post by kersing »

USB requires a frequency of 48MHz. Check the data sheet for possible settings of the oscillator.
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