SSD1305 simulation problem

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SSD1305 simulation problem

Post by Lagoda »

Welcome to the support team,

The SSD1305 display module was tested under Flowcode version 7.0.4 and it worked.
If the Flowcode version 7.1.1 I use the same file .fcfx there is no indication.
Only simulations were used in both cases.
Am I doing something wrong?

Best Regards,

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Re: SSD1305 simulation problem

Post by Benj »

Hello Lagoda,

Working fine for me here. Can you try changing the Display Method property on the GLCD component properties from Bitmap to Point cloud and see if this makes any difference.

I have seen the bitmap method have a problem on a single Win 10 machine but not been able to replicate it anywhere else.

If the Point cloud mode does fix it for you then please can you let us know the specifics of your machine.

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Re: SSD1305 simulation problem

Post by Lagoda »

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your advice.

I tried to Point cloud mode but it did not work.
Then I tried SSD1306 display but just did not work.
I tested the ILI9341 and SSD1351 displays too.
They worked Bitmap mode, but just did not operate in Point cloud mode.

The interesting thing is that, it worked under Flowcode 7.0.4.

My computer parameters are as follows:
Win7 Prof. 64bit (HUN)
i5-2520M 2,5GHz
8GB of RAM,
Intel HD3000 video.

Best Regards,


(I do not know whether it is relevant, but I was unable to install 7.1.1 Flowcode patch on my computer. The full installation is worked only.)

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Re: SSD1305 simulation problem

Post by Benj »


Here is how the two simulation modes should look based on your example.
DrawModes.jpg (100.58 KiB) Viewed 13155 times
7.1 uses significantly less RAM than 7.0.4 so maybe there is an issue that has crept in here? However things are working well for me still in 7.1.

Is anyone else having simulation issues with gLCDs in 7.1?

Maybe try adding a 1 second delay after your loop and see if this makes any difference. This may allow the panel drawing routines to update before the simulation end event kicks in.

Can you try also changing the OpenGL setting in View -> Global Options -> Graphics Engine. Make a note of what the current setting is and then try the other setting.

Also can you try some of the colour displays to see if it is something to do with the monochrome mode.

The point cloud mode does seem to have some issues but for us the bitmap mode is working well.

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Re: SSD1305 simulation problem

Post by Lagoda »

Hi Ben,

Thank you very much, it has examined the problem.
I tried your suggestion, but unfortunately it did not work.

I think that the GLCD modules in the simulation of Flowcode has used the same graphics program module, but with different parameters.
But why then is able Flowcode 7.1.1 simulate ILI9341's or SSD1351's GLCD modules in Bitmap mode. (But maybe I think incorrectly.)

I guess that the program support give you a lot of work.
If this sort of problem is it just me, it's not important for me to solve now.

I just wanted to try it too and there is only 21 days have from the 30-day trial period. :(

Best Regards,


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Re: SSD1305 simulation problem

Post by Benj »

Hello Lagoda,

We have found and fixed the issues with this component in simulation now. There was a couple of problems specific to this component.
(7.09 KiB) Downloaded 427 times
(7 KiB) Downloaded 469 times
Hopefully these components will fix any simulation problems you are having and allow the bitmap mode and point cloud mode to work correctly.

Simply copy the files into your "Flowcode 7/components" directory and restart Flowcode.

Let me know how you get on.

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Re: SSD1305 simulation problem

Post by Lagoda »

Hi Ben,

Now it works on my computer :) , but only in "Point cloud" mode.

Thank you for your help.

Best Regards,


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Re: SSD1305 simulation problem

Post by Benj »

Thanks Lagoda,

It seems the bitmap draw issue is linked to monochrome type displays on certain computer hardware, maybe linked to a windows update change. We have fixed it now in the application so should be completely sorted for the next release.

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