Component: ADC dial ()

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Author MatrixTSL
Version 1.3

ADC dial component

An ADC component represented by a dial

Component Source Code

Please click here to download the component source project: FC_Comp_Source_adc_dial.fcfx

Please click here to view the component source code (Beta): FC_Comp_Source_adc_dial.fcfx

Detailed description

No detailed description exists yet for this component


Read a 8-bit Byte

Simple ADC example allowing analogue values to be read on ADC inputs AN0 and AN1 as a byte, these are then displayed on the LCD connected to PortB as a number ranging from 0-255 representing 0V to VCC.

FC6 Icon.png ADCByte


Read a 10-bit or 12-bit sample

Simple ADC example allowing analogue values to be read on ADC inputs AN0 and AN1 as a 10 or 12-bit value depending on the target microcontroller, these are then displayed on the LCD connected to PortB as a number ranging from 0-1023 or 0-4095 representing 0V to VCC.

FC6 Icon.png ADCInt

Reading a sample as a Voltage

Simple ADC example allowing analogue Voltages to be read on ADC inputs AN0 and AN1, these are then displayed on the LCD connected to PortB in Volts from 0.0V-VCC. The VRef Voltage property needs to be correct for the Voltage to be calculated correctly.

FC6 Icon.png ADCVoltage

Filtering ADC Inputs

Simple example which uses a filtering technique to provide a digital low pass filter on the ADC readings. The output of the filter is 50% the ADC reading and 50% the previous reading.

FC6 Icon.png LPFilter

In this example the output of the filter is 25% the ADC reading and 75% the previous reading.

FC6 Icon.png LPFilter2

Analogue Inputs Window

The Analogue inputs window available from the View menu allows you to see the values for all of the analogue inputs which are active in your program. They can also be manually altered by dragging the mouse along one of the sliders.


Chip Diagram

Active analogue inputs are highlighted in yellow on the chip diagram.


Scope Window

An ADC based component will automatically add a trace to the data recorder window allowing you to get a view of the analogue data over time during simulation.


Based on the Scope Traces component property.

Macro reference

Property reference

Fc9-prop-icon.png Properties
Fc9-conn-icon.png Connections
Fc9-type-6-icon.png Channel
Fc9-conn-icon.png Settings
Fc9-type-14-icon.png VRef voltage
Used by the GetVoltage or GetString component macros to take an ADC reading and convert it into a Voltage. +VRef voltage x 10mV Default 500 = 5.0V  
Fc9-type-16-icon.png VRef option
Defines what is used as the ADC maximum reference. ADC Range = GND to VRef Voltage. VDD - Defines the microcontrollers power supply pin as the max reference, VREF+ Pin - Dedicated pin on the microcontroller to allow for a variable reference voltage.  
Fc9-type-16-icon.png Conversion speed
Clock setting to select how fast the ADC peripheral will perform an ADC conversion. The FRC setting is based on a RC time base and so will vary with temperature and pressure. Other settings are generally based on divisions of the master clock.  
Fc9-type-14-icon.png Acquisition cycles
Number of micro seconds to wait for the ADC input to charge before starting the analogue sample.  
Fc9-type-14-icon.png Bit Depth
Maximum number of digital bits the ADC can sample. 8 bit = ADC range 0 - 255 10 bit = ADC range 0 - 1023 12 bit = ADC range 0 - 4095  
Fc9-conn-icon.png Simulation
Fc9-type-7-icon.png Scope Traces
Selects if the scope traces are automatically generated or not