LoRa component

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Flowcode v9 LoRa component

Post by max.tisc »

good morning everyone
I'm writing to you because I would like to start using the LoRa component, since I haven't found much in the forums on how to set up the component correctly, I would like to ask if it is possible to have an example for transmission. At the moment I have created a temperature meter with an arduino uno and an LM35, but I don't understand how to set up the LoRa component, for example in the frequency field the transmission frequency of the module must be entered? in Mhz or Hz? or what? also the other settings are not clear to me.
help please

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Re: LoRa component

Post by chipfryer27 »


I assume you are referring to the Lambda SX1272 component?

I have a few examples somewhere. Initially it can seem a bit daunting but once you get to grips it's not that scary.

I also assume you will need to Transmit and Receive using the same module? Have a look in the "old" forum too https://www.matrixtsl.com/mmforums/index.php


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Re: LoRa component

Post by chipfryer27 »


This post has some examples

https://www.matrixtsl.com/mmforums/view ... ora#p99467


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Re: LoRa component

Post by max.tisc »

thanks chipfryer27 of your reply, I had seen some time ago the example you mentioned but does not use the Flowcode component but it seems to me that you use it with separate routines, I wanted to use it with the flowcode component (if possible)
the board that I would like to use would actually mount SX1276 that looking at the datasheets does not look different from the SX1272, this because it is easier to find and less expensive, what do you think?

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Re: LoRa component

Post by chipfryer27 »


A few months back I got involved with the RFM95W modules which use the 1272 chip. I was working with another forum member to get a pair communicating. We found, that generally speaking the documentation is sporadic and somewhat confusing when you do find a good source. Also, depending on where you buy, firmware is different.

From what I see, the main difference between the SX1272 and 76 is the frequency range they can operate over, so the command set will probably be much the same but I can't say for certain.

From memory, I think that during initialisation the component sets up the LoRa module for maximum range etc but we had a couple of issues using the component which we put down to possible firmware differences. We didn't look too much into that though as we were more interested in figuring out the registers etc ourselves. The application was for a transmitter to send a small number of bytes to a receiver. We did get them communicating and once they were sending and receiving I more or less "dropped out".

How are you planning on communicating? Will it be unidirectional (Tx to Rx) or will the modules operate as transceivers?


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Re: LoRa component

Post by kersing »

There are register differences between the SX1272 and SX1276 that might make the component incompatible.

When using the modules you should check the local regulations to check if there are any limitations on frequency use in the band used, the bands are free to use without a license but are regulated and abuse may involve fines. In the EU you are allowed to use a maximum amount of airtime (like send one second and wait at least 99 or 999 seconds before the next transmission depending on the frequency used).
Keep in mind these modules use a modulation used for long distance. That means transmissions might be received several kilometers away, the record is something over 700km. That also means your use might interfere with a lot of other people and the other way around.

The (Arduino) RadioHead library might provide some insights into the differences between the SX devices.

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Re: LoRa component

Post by max.tisc »

Thanks Chipfryer27 and Kersing for the info.
Sorry I'm new on these modules, the module will mainly be in TX and will have to send to a gateway (in my case a low-cost help HELTEC HT-M00, is it possible?) For the collection of data, the frequency is the European one at 868mHz , to make a test I would like to send a temperature data so few bytes. If I remember correctly, I should have purchased 1 or 2 RFM95W modules some time ago, if they mount the SX1272 how should I set it on the Flocode component?
I have never heard the problem of transmission times, I will try to inquire.

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Re: LoRa component

Post by kersing »

It seems Heltec considers the HT-M00 a LoRaWAN gateway (it is not as it does not meet LoRaWAN specifications and will disrupt LoRaWAN networks). That means the Lora component will not be compatible because the data transmitted will not have the right headers, checksums and encryption applied. You could use two RFM modules, one transmitting and one receiving.

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Re: LoRa component

Post by max.tisc »

but if I have temperature data to send to the cloud for example TTN or similar, and I am outside of Wi-Fi, internet, GPRS networks, what is the work chain that you would recommend?

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Re: LoRa component

Post by kersing »

For TTN you need LoRaWAN, not just Lora. And you need to be in vicinity of a community gateway, if you’re not you need to deploy a LoRaWAN compliant gateway as well (think about 100 euros for an indoor one)

For the embedded part you need a LoRaWAN component for Flowcode (which is being worked on) and hardware compatible with the component.

If you don’t need (or want) the cloud I would use two RFM modules in point to point mode with the Lora component. Keep in mind anyone with a similar module will be able to receive your data and potentially transmit their own measurements disrupting your use case. (That is why LoRaWAN has encryption and other security measures)

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