API DataRecorder.GetSnapshot

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Fc9-comp-macro.png GetSnapshot
Gets a block of the output stream with each input sample operated on, returns number of samples read 
Fc9-h32-icon.png - HANDLE StreamH
The stream that is to be read 
Fc9-s32-icon.png - LONG TimeUS
The time offset to extract the history from, in microseconds 
Fc9-u32-icon.png - ULONG TimeStep
The step in microseconds between each sample extracted 
Fc9-u32-icon.png - ULONG Samples
The number of samples to extract - this will expand the array 
Fc9-f32-icon.png - FLOAT[] Buffer
The buffer to read the sample data into 
Fc9-u32-icon.png - ULONG Return

Detailed description
