API Expand.PathName

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Fc9-comp-macro.png PathName
Expands a string using the built-in pathname expansion variables 
Fc9-string-icon.png - STRING Source
The text to expand 
Fc9-string-icon.png - STRING Return

Detailed description

This does not resolve a pathname, for this use File.AbsPath. What this will do is use the $(variable) syntax to expand the string using built-in variable names used in the compiler settings and other pathname fields in Flowcode.

The list of variables available in this expansion are:

Variable Meaning
appdir The Flowcode applications directory
chip The name of the target chip, eg 16F88
family The family of the target chip, eg 16F
platform The platform of the target chip, eg PIC
chippath The full name of the target chip, eg PIC.16F.16F88
chipalt The alternate-name of the target chip
cfga The address of the base of the config, as specified in the FCD file
cfgb The number of bytes of the config specified in the FCD file
cfgen Whether the user has selected to write config to the chip
cfgN Starting with cfg0, the slot values specified in the config
target The source or target file leafname, without an extension, eg my_project
srcdir The directory the my-project.fcf file is located in
outdir The directory output and intermediate files are sent to


Calling in a calculation

  • Declare a variable 'result' of type STRING
  • Add to a calculation icon:
    result = ::Expand.PathName("source")