API FCD.GetItemValue

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Fc9-comp-macro.png GetItemValue
Gets a paths item value from the FCD document 
Fc9-string-icon.png - STRING PathName
The '.' separated path through the FCD to look in 
Fc9-string-icon.png - STRING ItemName
The name of the item to read 
Fc9-string-icon.png - STRING DefText
A default value to return if the item is not found 
Fc9-string-icon.png - STRING Return

Detailed description

FCD files are XML files. The PathName must be a list of items, not including the XML root tag of the tags where the XML attribute ItemName is to be located. So to extract the FLASH memory size Pathname="device.memory" and ItemName="bytes".

If the ItemName is not found in the specified location then DefText will be returned instead.


Calling in a calculation

  • Declare a variable 'result' of type STRING
  • Add to a calculation icon:
    result = ::FCD.GetItemValue("pathname", "itemname", "deftext")