API Panel.LinkBar.EnableAuto

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Fc9-comp-macro.png EnableAuto
Sets whether Flowcode should automatically draw links for component object property types 
Fc9-h32-icon.png - HANDLE Component
The component to enable or disable links for 
Fc9-bool-icon.png - BOOL Enable
True to draw default links from this component, else false 
Fc9-void-icon.png - NONE Return

Detailed description

When components create properties linking components Flowcode will, by default, draw links from the source tot he destination. These are simple line-drawn links from the center of the positions.

If greater control or a different style is required, the default behavior may be switched off in the source component (the component which owns the properties) and Flowcodes default behavior can then be replaced by component-managed link bars.


Calling in a calculation

  • Add to a calculation icon:
    ::Panel.LinkBar.EnableAuto(component, true)