AT TINY 85 i2c non compatibile display SSD 1306

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AT TINY 85 i2c non compatibile display SSD 1306

Post by solozerouno »

Non ho provato con fc8 perchè non è un pacchetto che ho;
ho provato pero' con la versione prova 30 giorni DI FLC9 con compilazione AT TINY 85 ed ho provato a fare un piccolo flow con una scritta in posizione 10,10 ; in debug tutto ok ma quando compilo in hex e carico il tutto con un programmatore autocostruito con arduino che fa da programmatore:
se faccio lampeggiare su scheda digispark il led di PB0 tutto ok

ma se uso l' I2C per scrivere la scritta vengono fuori dei pixel sparsi qui e li....

compilo i hex FLC 9 poi con AVRDUDESS 2.1 con impostazioni::
programmer: arduino
mcu: tiny85
preset: arduino as isp
flash: programma generato da flowcode 9
com: porta in cui è visto arduino da AVRDUDESS

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Re: AT TINY 85 i2c not compatible display SSD 1306

Post by mnfisher »

Sorry - reply in English...

The attiny85 won't work with SSD1306 because there is insufficient RAM. Define the height as 16 (rather than 32 or 64) - and it can work ( just uses middle rows of display)


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Re: AT TINY 85 i2c non compatibile display SSD 1306

Post by mnfisher »

Something is wrong here..

I've just tested a display with ds3231 on an attiny85 - and it doesn't work (crashes in the display initialise - probably in Clear)
This looks like it is a memory issue - my code compiled to 8100 bytes (eek).

Smallest possible test - Initialise and a single Print - works. However, 7290 bytes! So not much space left for any other code?
(Note in both cases I set the display height to 16 - so RAM issues aren't the cause.) Optimisation set to -Os (optimised for size) - otherwise it won't fit in the 8k at all :-(


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Re: AT TINY 85 i2c non compatibile display SSD 1306

Post by mnfisher »

A bit more fiddling with this. I couldn't find the post in the old forums - where this probably belongs.

I had a play - and converted the SSD1306_i2c component to use a single buffer - instead of 8. This gave smaller code (my 'benchmark' is 3986 bytes compared to 4488 bytes using the component) - both gave the same display output - which on my display draws alternate lines vertically and then 'fills' the gaps - which isn't what I expected.
v9 (using the v9 component)- gives the same display (ie alternate lines) - and requires 9114 bytes (new font handling ?)

In v8 the changes give a 8% speed increase. v9 is slightly faster :) (Better i2c code??)

The v8 code won't compile in v9 unfortunately ReadAsciiLUT has gone from GLCD_Base :( - so I output result to UART instead of to the i2c display for comparison. Here just 3058bytes (including the UART component too!)

Just seen Ben's post - set interlaced to yes to get rid of the stripiness :P
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speed v9.fcfx
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Re: AT TINY 85 i2c non compatibile display SSD 1306

Post by mnfisher »

And a version with a print that works in v9..
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It has a simple Print - no scaling (or fonts) - but makes for a much smaller code. Which should allow use on the ATTiny and other 'smaller' MCUs. Note that the RAM limits still apply so a 64x128 display won't work with 512 bytes RAM (16 x 64 uses 256bytes RAM and should....)

Strangely - I can't export this as a component (you don't have a licence to do this...). I hope component creation isn't limited to pro-users? Trying to export in v8 (after editing and testing in v9) gives the same error :(

Edit - there are errors in the settings... Clicking on 'configuration the export settings' gives the same message before opening the dialog box. I can export other components?


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Re: AT TINY 85 i2c non compatibile display SSD 1306

Post by BenR »

Hi Martin,

The project file was licensed hence you weren't able to export. I've now removed the license info from the file for you.
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Do you want me to make an official version of the v9 component with only a single buffer. The 8 buffers are a legacy thing from back when we used the sourceboost compiler on the PIC8 targets. It didn't support arrays bigger than 256 bytes.

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Re: AT TINY 85 i2c non compatibile display SSD 1306

Post by mnfisher »

Thanks Ben,

The single buffer gave a bit of a speed boost - but whether it's worth an upgrade to the component?

I think it's worth having a version that will work with smaller MCUs (so without the full font support) - I just used an 8x8 font (scaling would be easy enough to add too). Does this need to be a separate version since the font support is excellent for 'meatier' MCUs..


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Re: AT TINY 85 i2c non compatibile display SSD 1306

Post by BenR »

Hi Martin,

Here's a version of the v9 component with a single buffer you can try out for size. Be interesting to see how this one fares.

Simply extract and drop the file into your "C:\ProgramData\MatrixTSL\FlowcodeV9\Components" folder to try it out.
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